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Trade Web Dev Services for Studio Training?

Hi there,
My name is AJ and I am really interested in setting up a home recording setup to run Pro Tools among other things. Trouble is, I have no idea where to start.

I would really like some help but I'm not looking for a hand out. I wanted to offer some design / web development services in exchange for some help setting up a studio and some training.

recording studio - Which room is most important?

It seems to me like we have things a little backwards as a whole. Under the assumption sounds aren't gojng to just be replaced. Shouldn't the most accurate control room in the whole project be during tracking, and mixing? Or mixing and tracking? Why are mastering where your supposedly just putting the final 2% the ones going down to 10hz and picking up things you never heard?

possible to mix and master via headphone?

Hello boss,
I hv krk monitor in my acoustically treated room for mixing and mastering, no issue, but I am shifting to some other place for few months and I wanna continue my mixing and mastering but can't take setup along with me, so
is it possible to mix and master via headphone? I wanna do perfect mix n master which sounds perfect in any device.

Musician's Institute $81,000 LOL

I saw an advertisement for the Musician's Institute on the back of a bus today so that stirred up my curiosity. Would you pay $81,000.00 to go to Musician's Institute? LOL!
I'm thinking that even this school has become a business like anything else... a car dealership that wants your business... a mattress store... etc.

Working with a compressor on the master buss/aux

Hi guys,

We've already discussed what people put or don't put on their master bus while mixing.
I personnaly don't put anything and I'm use to kind of blind guessing what the mastering process will do to my mix.

To keep an open mind, I want to try to mix with a compressor on the master bus, just to see if my mix will be different or at least if it's gonna help me.