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Silent PC's... Laptop vs desktop... performance vs silence... strategies?

Currently I'm recording on my 2007 vintage laptop. It was smokin' fast and powerful in 2007 and I have no issues with performance as far as recording goes with it now -- but it's very loud as it has two internal fans that I cannot turn off.

Unwanted low-level electronic interference from my recording signal path

Hello there,

When I start my computer and activate my DAW I find that I have a constant low-level electronic noise coming through my monitor speakers. It begins the minute that I plugin my digital interface which is a Scarlett 18i6.

Audio-Technica AT2035 Problem

I bought an Audio technica at2035 and attempted to use it on my computer. I have a usb XRL cable and I set it as the default audio recording device on my computer. However, whenever I try to record my voice in Audacity nothing happens. I have tried a headset microphone and once I select that as my default audio device it record just fine so it isn't my computer.

Is the Zoom H6 linear enough below 20Hz or is there a HP filter?


I'm condidering using the relatively low cost Zoom H6 recorder for low frequency vibration logging. As I understand it the device as Auto rec functionality that I can trim to start the recording when levels are higher than a specified value... that's all good. but...