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Budget Home Recording Rig, Suggestions

Im going to be setting up a home recording rig in a month or so but I need to know EXACTLY what i all need so i can buy it all in one trip and set it up, plug it in and go! There are a few problems. 1.) Im a professional drummer and a complete newbie at recording/mixing. 2.) Not sure what I all need. 3.) I want to keep the total cost under $1100.

Grace 101 and Earthworks QTC40 Problem

Don't know if this is the right section for this, but I'm having a noise problem recording with the QTC40 and Grace preamp. Thought maybe I could skip testing some parts of the recording chain if I describe the problem in enough detail. Using 5 mics with this project, when the Grace input began to make some noise, then the signal disappeared altogether. Simple enough, eh?

active monitor fuse problems

Hi again.. Recently there was a problem with the electricity lines outside my house sparks flying off it which then blew a fuse at the outside pole cutting of power to my house.Ive got a small recording studio away from it and when the power came back on I checked to see if my equipment was ok it was except my active monitors which didn't come on.