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converting a 48k tracked session to 44.1k CD?

Hey guys,

I tracked a session at 48k using a Focusrite preamp. I mixed it. I mastered it, but when I went to bounce and convert to 44.1 for CD burning, the conversion didn't happen properly, and thus my recording has been tranquilized. Can someone give me some suggestions (aside from "don't track in 48k")? Thanks!

Lexicon MPX-550 vs Kurzweil Rumour

lookin 2 go out the box for reverb. We do hip hop here and wanna conserve on cpu. PT LE 6.4 Digi 002 on G4 dp 1.25

so i look @ these 2 items right now, read a lot about them. just wanna kno from users if any their 2.5 cents on what the think of either.

which is better soundin, better dealin w/ latency, best realism, etc.

thanks guys.

much love.