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first studio monitor

I'm looking to buy my first studio monitor to be connected to my Behringer mixer. I am currently using an active Electro-Voice loudspeaker to playback my music, but I figured it has its own EQ that kind of masks the output from my source. I also have a monitoring headphone, but I find it very uncomfortable if mixing/mastering songs for more than 4 hours.

Out of phase monitors

An idiot. A moron. Feel free to agree with me. I deserve it, after finding out - while doing some critical listening to some tracks - that for two weeks now I've been listening to my monitors with the right side connected out of phase. :notworthy:

I'm not even gonna put a flame suit on. I deserve to feel whatever you all decide to throw at me. Fire away.

Latency and Re-amping

I've got a little vamp I recorded as a project that is currently Midi Drums (Superior Drummer) with a bass track and 3 guitar tracks (each played through my M-audio Profire 610 interface and using Guitar Rig 5 pro to model. Here's a quick mix:
