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The Upgraded TAB 57 captures more warmth and detail

I just read this funny post on GS :

''The Upgraded TAB 57 captures more warmth and detail, where that extra detail is rolled off on a stock 57 to cut production costs.''

I think Shure either decided that the sm57 would sound like this or with the construction, it happened to sound like this. Now this price/detail Relationship theory is very funny ;)

dbx 150 connection help pls

hello i have standard tape deck (not reel to reel) type
and wish to record my old cassette tapes and save them on my computer as mp3.
that`s simple part i have two dbx 150 units and if possible? like to use one as a encoding machine.
from my tape output to one unit and the other is in decode mode to decode on fly if possible?

Audio Cards for monitoring

I have to confess that I am so ignorant of this stuff that I am likely asking the all time dumbest question ever... but here goes. I have a pair of monitor headphones (Sony) and shoot and record video. I'm upping my game a bit and wonder how best to monitor the sound recorded once it's in the computer so it's not colored by base boosting etc.

Recording acoustic guitar - hear my breathing etc

So I cut a track of acoustic guitar using a stereo pair of RODE M5's . And I can hear my mouth sounds and breathing. My room is not ideal - there's noise anyway but the mouth sounds. Bla! I'm about 2 feet from the mics and about 18 to 20 inches above them and have my head cocked to the side breathing away from them. (So maybe 36 inches away).