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A way to transfer files onto a Fostex mr-8

Is there a way to transfer .WAV files that were say recorded in Pro Tools LE onto my fostex mr-8?

Say like I recorded the bass and guitar at my friend's studio on Pro Tools, and then I want to finish the rest at my own home studio. Would I be able to put the wave on a DATA CD, and via USB put it on the mr-8?

2 input preamps with S/PDIF

hello all,

i have an aardvark q10 and i really like it but i would like to capitalize on its ability to have two more inputs through S/PDIF. and so I'm looking for preamps that have S/PDIF output.

it would be nice if the preamps would be a little step up from the pres in the aardvark or at least might provide a different 'flavor' or 'color' than the aardvark's.

Another Sebatron question.

I'm looking to get the 4 channel pre to start building up my closet of gear that I'll never replace. I was going to use this pre for just about everything ranging across every style of music. My main concern is drums. I know that API seems to be the pre to get for great rock drums. does a Sebatron also fit in that category? Can I get that colour on the kick and snare?

home cinema setup proves my songs are lacking somthing

i am a bedroom producer and today i heared my tracks played on a souround sound home cinema stereo. The setup was low budget but it gave me back an eye-opening result. If i played a conventional retail CD the sound quality was very good (as usual).
Then after i played my tracks on this cinema setup.

newbie protracks plus trouble

hello, i am running protracks plus on windows xp with a soundblaster sound card. i am running an electric guitar thru a digitech rack processor into the card using a splitter combining two quarter inch lines into one eighth inch. the problem i am having is, when i arm the track for recording, there is a delay. you hear the guitar instantly and then again, louder, about a half second later.

What is best multitrack input for external preamp

My understanding is that coming out of the preamp is a 'line level'. And if your multiitrack doesn't have a line level input and you go thru another input you are just going thru the multitrack's preamp, which is what you are trying to avoid even though you may have 'warmed' up your sound with the external preamp.