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My setup; What would you guys recommend to add to it? ******

24bit Pro Tools system with G4 933MHz computer, MIX core card, DigiDesign Mix Farm Card and 888|24 d/a a/d converters.

Computer: 933MHz G4 Processor, 512 PC 133 Memory, 40Gig Internal hard drive(Partition to 3GB, 26GB, and 10GB), CD Combo Drive, Keyboard and mouse, OS 9, Pro Tools 5.1.3, Toast, Peak, and a bunch of other software that I never use.

How to set up EMU1820m patchmix for ADAT transfer


I plan to simultaniously transfer 16 audio tracks from an analog tape machine into Cubase SX2

My soundcard is an EMU 1820m and I have borrowed an Alesis AI3 ADAT Analog - Optical Interface.

The thing is, the patchmixer of the soundcard drives me nuts. It's not very intuitive (so please, don't say "read the * manual" because it's sh*t)