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Firewire/Mac users-- What are you running thru?

I'm recording rock/pop music (focusing on drums) on my Powerbook thru a MOTU 896 and I'm looking to make some upgrades. pre's first, then possibly converters.

So who else is out there on a Mac recording 8 channels (or more) thru a Firewire interface. ? What are you using, what have you upgraded to/from and how is it all working for you?

M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496 and Cubase SX / ASIO question

Hey all,

I am using an external Mixer with my M-Audio Audiophile 2496 sound card. I have the main outs of the mixer going into my compressor, which is then fed into the sound card. The audio outs of the sound card go back into the "2 track input" of my mixer, so I can monitor the processed signal via my mixer.

Need info on two track digital recorders.

Looking to purchase and upgrade from Hi-MD. The Md is great but the transfer restrictions bite. I'm mainly looking for just two tracks. I don't want computer or DAT so suggestions for anything else will be appreciated. I know the first question will be, "What's your budget" just please throw some suggestions out. Peace and happy New Year to all. Van

old marshall vs new marshall

I have been doing some gtr tracks this week and have been using 2 marshalls. One is a 1971 50w Make 2 lead amp. It says jmp on the front. The other is a brand new jcm 2000. The jcm shouldnt even be in the same room as the old one. I cant believe how whimpy the 2000 is next to the 1971. And the gain on the 2000 sounds like cheap dod distortion pedals compared to the 71.

layering multiple guitar tracks for a bigger sound?

i understand the principles, but what is the best way to do this?

when i want to record a fairly heavy rock song with many distorted rhythm guitars. i want the song to get louder and fuller in the pre-chorus, and louder and fuller still during the chorus

1. how many guitar tracks should i layer for each part of the song?

Cool Edit Pro 2000 question on multi track recording.

Why is it that sound from other tracks is making its way into new tracks I lay down in a session when I overdub. I recorded keys in track 1 and then when I recorded another set of keys in track 2 you can faintly hear track 1's keys in the background. What am I doing wrong?