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Mac IBook vs XP Desktop

Ok, I have an XP Home desktop with 512mb of Ram, two hard's a decent machine to run Cubase SX 2.0 and my Tascam FW1884. Since it is Windows...this machine can be pretty unstable. Anyways, I wanted to a get laptop (Mac G4 IBook) to do some live recording and I was planning on getting a fast external firewire drive. Now here is my question.

Anyone used the SPECK ASC EQ? DISTRESSOR? R84 Ribbon?

Hey guys just got my Great River MP-2NV in and I am already wanting to get a good EQ and comp to go with it. I have seen where the Speck ASC and RNC comps are recommended to use with the GR. (Mercenary Audio) Anyone out there use these pieces and what do you think about them? Will I really hear a substantial sonic improvement over my UAD cards Pultec eq and LA-2A/1176 LN comps?