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Splitter for multiple monitors question

I need some sort of a stereo splitter box to send my mix signal to 2 sets of monitors. One signal will go to active monitors and one to an amp for passive monitors. Obviously the box needs to have an A/B select switch of some kind. I'm looking for decent quality otherwise I could just go to Radio Shack. Any suggestions or recommendations?


drbam :)

JLM TMP 8 and True Systems Precision 8

Both of these sytems are said to compared well with the likes of API, Neve, and FR RED by their respective manufacturers and/or reviewers. Is this a fact or just plain marketing bullsh*t. Anyone out there who has used either of these units that can give a direct comparison to the quality of the API, Neve, or comparible high-endpre's?

using musicians from my school

I'm in college and I plan on recording some songs soon and I will be using some people on campus to play a string part on some songs. If I use these people should I pay them a one-time fee? Do they get a cut of sales? What if they did it for free, but I magically made it big and sold a lot of recordings, could they demand a cut of the pay?