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Can you hook an amp up to powered speakers?

OK, I have the Mackie 824's. They are the type of speakers which have an amp built in. I sometimes would like a little more volume. Can I hook my Ramsa power amp up to them as if they were regular speakers, as long as I am not sending crazy levels? A close friend said I would blow my stuff up, I really value my speakers and amp, so I dont want to do something foolish.

What makes the most improvement in sound quality?

Ok, I've done a lot of research and talked with a lot of people on these forums for gear advice and have now narrowed it down to my final decisions on what pieces of gear to purchase. The only problem is that I can only purchase 1 or 2 items at this particular time. So I was wondering, which piece of gear should I purchase first, that will improve the quality of my recordings the most?

Acoustic Guitar Pickups

Hello, I am currently recording a project with an acoustic guitar player who really moves a lot and I have been faced with the task of getting a good sound out of a typical transducer style pickup (powered with built in eq etc.) He plays live with a Crate acoustic guitar amp and it sounds quite good. I am either going to record the guitar (line out of amp) mic the guitar amp or both.

The $10,000 Studio

In another thread Ilovesound was considering spending $10,000 to start a home project studio- How could that money be best spent, assuming you have the room in your house already. Also assume you already own your instruments- so recording studio only- please spend your $10,00 we might all learn a lot by your choices and also help Ilovesound spend his money...

My vote would be