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Bass Direct into the Board...

I've recorded with several bands, using many methods. The band I am with now is hardcore/melodic trash style music and i use a Custom F Bass 5 stringer. My rig is an Ampeg SVT PRO 4 which has been nothing but amazing on every recording. Ampeg 810E Behringercompressor just with clight compression as to not eat the basses tone.


Just did a session where the drummer played very lightly and I could not get a good snare or kick sound. Anyone have any experiance with Drumagog or some other program to replace or add to the existing sound? If so how'd it go and what program where you using. I normally get nice sounds and am opposed to triggering BUT every now and then I get a drummer that I cant record well.

Another Midi Equation?

I'm using Reason 2.5. It accepts two midi controllers. Right Now my Midi keyboard takes up one,and my Radikal SAC 2.2 takes up the other one.

Of course the midi keyboard operates as it is, and the Radikal SAC remote controls the mixer and Transport bar in Reason...I now want to add a Evolution UC 16 to control the knobs on the Virtual Synths.

Setting Up A DAW, using MOTU, MAC

As one might guess, by the title- i am looking to setup my own DAW/project studio. Primarily for recording rock, so i will probably need the ability to multitrack (drums, or multiple mics on guit. cabs). I was "trained" on MOTU's Digital Performer, so i will most likely go with a MAC and the MOTU software.

My questions are:

What to do next?

Hi Guys, Ok my band just finished a 5 song CD here in tampa and I wanted to get some feedback on it and opinions on what to do with it. Promo pack what to include? who to talk to? where to meet people? basically the next steps a growing new band should take.. please go to my site below and listen and tell me what you think. thanks a lot :D


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