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40 pice choir

How would you it?

I'm thinking about uing my two Tlm 103 in an Ortf xy at around the directors place and risen above him/her. perhaps add 2 side mics like 2 elation km201 condensers.I will use a Millennia quad preamp and a Tascam hr78 recorder.

Does anyone have any favorite setups when it comes to choirs? like A-B or M/S, decca trees?

Best regards / Toby

Trident S80

I have been offered channels from a butchered Trident S80 console, the price is approx 450 USD (3750 sek)

Anyone ever crafted a rackmount unit of a channel strip, and what do you need? PSU for 48 V, amp PSU, casing, connections? Is the unit ruined if there's oxide in the pots?

And what about the price tag?

What Hardware Controller Surface?

I want to upgrade my Controller. I'm looking at the Mackie Universal, JL Cooper, I have even checked out the Tascam FW-1884. The Tascam looks very cool, but I heard it's had some issues with Cubase SX 2.0. I don't really need the midi/audio interface of the 1884 either. Unless someone said it would be worth it to get rid of my current audio/midi interface and go entirely with the 1884.