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AMD Athlon™ 64 processor prizes

Just got this e-mail from AMD. Worth looking into?

Would you like to become one of the first 64 to receive an AMD Athlon™ 64 processor and witness firsthand the unveiling of our newest technology? Unlock the mystery being unveiled at and you may get your chance.
Only 64 people will have the chance to purchase this package, which will include:

RIP. Warren Zevon

We lost one of the better songwriters today.I'm sure you have all heard of his fight to complete his recording of his last album before he cashed it in.It did get done and will stand as a testament to a guy who never pulled any punches in what he was trying to say.His humour and his eloquence throughout his writings, makes him a special artist the likes of which we'll not see again.I for one w

AD conversion on a budget

I'm looking to improve upon the UNimpressive converters within my Digi001. Someone suggested to me that I look into getting an external wordclock since I can't really afford to by an 8 channel converter (like the Apogee"rosetta"). Can someone please explain to me how clocking externally can audibly improve my rig during playback and record? At the moment I have a PreSonus Digimax (8ch.


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