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if this is true...Will PT HD1/2 get cheaper?

Will they drop PT HD1, HD2 OF prices?

"The ACCEL card appears to be a super dsp card replacement for the HD Process card. The new card is twice as powerful - but has a list price only $500 higher. HD2 and HD3 ACCEL systems will include the new card instead of the Process cards previously shipped with these systems. The other news is that ACCEL is shipping immediately."

When to upgrade your soundcard.

Probably a dumb question but I don't know too much in this area. I'm not using keyboards or any midi interfaces or anything all software and using samples . just curious if I still need to get a better soundcard. If I'm not recording but just playing back through monitors will having a beter soundcard make a big difference in how good your mix will turn out?

Flat Panel Monitor Question

In my small home studio I have my computer in the same room that I track in.

Any plusses or minuses of having a flat panel monitor in a tracking room?

(noise , interferance?)

So, if you are telling me that you have one and it works great, tell me what kind and if there are any special specs I need to pay attention to when buying.


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