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How to do "vari-speed"?

I have a problem.
Back i the old analog days I really liked to change the speed of the recorder when it was time to do overdubs on the bgvocals. ( the old ABBA-school) I really liked the sound you get when you do the overdubs +/- 10%.
Nowadays I mainly work with Cubase SX (PC)... and I wonder if there is any easy way to do the same thing on my DAW?

what kind of major settings i need?

hi there...because you have aa ''big'' experience in audio recording computing...i want to ask you before start what kind of major settings do i need for my pc,to work fast without clicks pops and other things...i mean from BIOS do i need to disabeled something?...i've lerned from opus to disabeled writing cache from the op drive(i did it works better)...take a look to my system...and tell me w

Yamaha Monitors - Model Confusion

Can someone comment on the lineage of Yamaha NS10 Series and how they compare with their brethren?

My understanding is that NS10's is no longer sold new
NS10M are still available new but are being replaced by the MSP10. Are these new models any good?

Also I have a pair of NS670's, which look similar to the NS1000's. Any comments?