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Convultion ?

Hello all,
I went to and downloaded some convulted files that have .rar extentions.In the file properties it say's to open with cool edit pro.I did and all I got was a very nasty raw noise.Can anybody tell what program .rar files are associated with. Or Are.rar files some type of compressed file and if so what utility do you use to open them.
Thanks much.

Davedog & Kurt, please help with setup

I was thinking about using the Yamaha O1V96 with a 24 channel Hammerfall card and Yamaha expansion board as per my last post but I am not sure if this is a good way to go. I have not had the opportunity to use this combination and the chances are I will not get the chance to really work with either before i buy them.

digital vs analog vs digital vs analog vs

So, the other day I had a long discussion with a friend who is learning engineering. He says that analog is way superior to digital in every way bla blab have heard this before I'm sure. I replied that, of course there are numerous differences in the reproduction of the sound, from a business perspective digital is king.

can't install win xp in my new drive!

hi!i just bought 2 western digital one 40gb and one 80 my oc right now i have to maxtor...i took out the slave maxtor,and i installed the wd40gb to install the win xp pro on it... it makes the copying files and when tells me the computer will reboot in 15 secs,then gives me some kinds of errors...

is the first ti,e when i do that...maybe i did something wrong...

What is wrong with CAD gear or my ears?

I was in at a local dealer today and tried out about eight different vocal mics for my studio. Audio technica, RODE , Shure, Studio projects and CAD. All of the models I tried ranged between $1100 and $1300 Ausbucks list price and to be honest the two mics that stood out as sounding clean and reasonably warm were the ATM3060 and the CAD M9.