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ADAT (toslink) to firewire or usb interface?

anyone know of a simple interface to get 8 channels of audio via toslink (ADAT) thru firewire or usb? we've been using a Yamaha 01v with an ADAT card for gigs and i'd love to be able to mult the mix to the 8 tracks of ADAT and record on my ibook. fwiw, i'd be using dp (or pt) on a mac.



if only allowed one song, what would you use to tune you

if only allowed one song, what would you use to tune your ears to new speakers/rooms?

i am currently trying to find some new material to use for adjusting my ears, and am getting bored. (have 10 but really want to narrow to 1 for efficiency sake, with others as backups)

SO... what would it be for you?