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If you only had 1 Crown PZM mic and were recording a 20-pc jazz orchestra (drums, bass, elec. gtr, piano, keys, perc, 4 trmpts, 5 trmbns, 5 saxes, LdSax, 2 Ld vs and up to 8 BGVs) in a live setting.

...where would you use the PZM?
...or would you use it at all?

BTW - your PZM is NOT the only mic you have to work with. .its just an option.

How many of you guys EQ at tracking?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but how many of you track WITH EQ? I know mic and preamp preamp choice in addition to placement should cover most of this, but how many of you EQ it up some as it goes to Tape? How much typically? I would also ask how many of you compress (By processing, not natural or tape saturation) to tape and on what and how much typically?

How to make a Korg D1600 computer blinddate work?

I have a Korg D1600, but I'm finding that I don't have enough tracks to do everything I would like. Therefore I am thinking of purchasing software for my new computer to do HD recording on it. I would like to still use the 1600 interface (making it the master)... my question is what would be the best software/soundcard mix to make this happen?

Removing MS Crap

I'm running XP Pro, and I want to COMPLETELY uninstall most of the major Microsoft components without damaging the OS. I want to get rid of MSN Messenger, Outlook Express, Windows Media Player, and Internet Explorer, including their POS download utility. I hear that this is all possible, but rather difficult, and it must be done thoroughly and meticulously.

A/D Converters

Hello. I'm looking for an 8channel A/D converter to go into my 2408mk2. I'm not happy with the 2408's converters. I also plan on getting a word clock generator. I've considered the RME and Swissonic boxes, as well as more expensive 2 channel boxes like the Lucid and Apogee. Any thoughts on how the sound quality of these differs?

I need help with 2 major decisions

Okay, I am laying out my budget for a mic (or mics) for about $500 dollars. And a converter/preamp box from $800 to $1000. I am so torn on this please help!

1 I got $500 dollars to spend on microphones. I have been thinking of getting the (AT 3035) and the (RODE NT1000) both together cost $500 bucks.

OR? should I get the (RODE NTK)? $500 bucks by itself.

Counteract the Proximty Effect

I have song song where there are 6 people on the track. 5 of them are on a MXL 2001 + a ART Tube OPL preamp with a very close promimity(prox 3 inches. The last vocal is using a MXL 2001 + a Studio Projects VTB1 preamp (prox 6 inches. The new vocal sounds way cleaner. What would be the best way to make the old vocals or new vocal sound like they match?