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Remy Shane

Check out this months homeRecording. There is a feature in there about people/songs that started out in modest homeStudios. Remy Shand is mentioned, and it sounds like he is saying he did his whole album on the Vs880. It's really a good album, very warm and intimate, very soulful. It is on the Motown Label, and it definitely has the motown sound and feel.

Stereo Compressor "mastering"

Looking for a new compressor for "home" mastering-So nothing above $2k --so maybe in the price range of $ early EMT,Altec,Urei,Orban, dbx all seem to be in that price...on the new front Buzz, Alesis CLX 440, SPL,Dramer_____ maybe wait for a used Avalon 747, Manley, Cranesong,,,probably never in that price range andworking . so whats a poor boy to do?

Help with studio upgrade.

Hello guys,
Yesterday I was kinda crazy thinking about some upgrades on my studio.
First let me explain the whole situation:
I live in Brazil where gear is very, very expensive. I have a friend that is moving back from the U.S.
in september and he has the right to bring used stuff as he lived for more than a year outside Brazil.
Right now I have: