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Adjust buffer settings to avoid pops/clicks?

Sorry about the duplication (posted on eMagic as well) but I need some help...

I'm running a PC based MOTU 828 w/ Logic Plat software and I keep getting pops and clicks during playback and bounce-down. I have heard adjusting the buffer settings may stop this. What do I set them to? This is driving me nuts... :(

Thanks for the help.

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What types of projects are you currently doing?

To the users of Sonar out there, I would like to know what kind of projects are you currently working on and what completed projects have you worked on within Sonar.

I am currently working with one of our artist Geri King on her upcoming CD Deja Vu. The release date is January 8th, 2002.

Interfile Handshake

And timestamps...
I am haveing a bitch of a time exporting from Nuendo to ProsTools. I am using Broadcast wav files... BUT it is still iffy when it comes to importing. Is there a better way? Is this ProsTools way of trying to keep its lock on the Pro DAW world?

Sorry for cross posting. I found this sub forum after I posted in the computing forum.