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less is more, don't be afraid to mute tracks.

I was on Al Schmitt's forum and I noticed one statement which really caught my attention, and I wanna quote it, and then talk about the implications. He said,

"After the orchestra finished, we do some solo overdubs with flute and harmonica (which we end up not using) as well as vocals."

Atmospheric samples when mixing


I've looked on the web, but have had trouble finding what I'm looking for. Basically I'm mixing a song and want to add the sound of the ocean/beach (waves, seagulls, etc) at the beginning and end, but I really don't want to go to the beach to record it myself. I probably need at least 10-15 seconds before and after the song.

noise problem

I am having problems with noise ! My recording is on vocal tracer dictation. Recording (man speach interview) has a lot of noise, so I am wondering would be the Digidesigns BNR noise reduction or Ionizer good to solve the problem. If any body knows how to use this noise reductions plugins please let me know what is the best setup, or what shuld I use for clean this ugly noise!

Simple line mixers other than Speck?

Still searching for the affordable durable quality mixer setup, needs to be muy portable. I need good quality mic preamps, which may not come with a mixer meeting the other criteria, so I'm looking at line mixers. The Speck looks like a class act, but way too many little awkward concentric knobs and cramped controls. Amazing routing possibilities.

Mixer Question

I have narrowed my choice in a mixer that will be used mostly for recording and mixing drums. I am interested in the Mackie 1604 ProVlz and the Allen and Heath Mixwizard, model WZ16:2DX. I do not care too much about features, just quality. Does the Mixwizard have better preamps and EQ than the Mackie? I'm concerned about headroom, being that I will be using this for drums.