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Urei LA-4, Joemeek SC2.2, ART Pro VLA, others?

OK so after I get a good mic preamp to complete the signal chain I need a good compressor. I'd like to stay under 1000 if I can. I already have the FMR so I'd like an alternative that may add warmth. THe LA-4, SC2.2, and ART Pro VLA all seem in my price range, has anyone used them? Are they warm yet don't destroy the clarity? or are there others I am missing?


I was trying to achieve a loop darwing tool (like Acid) within Nuendo or Cubase and remembered ReCycle did some work with loops but actually never tried or knew exactly how ReCycle works... then I go to Steinberg's site for info and there's no ReCycle anymore. The question to you Steinberg users should have been inicially "What is ReCycle?", but guess I must ask "What was ReCycle?"...


I was trying to achieve a loop darwing tool (like Acid) within Nuendo or Cubase and remembered ReCycle did some work with loops but actually never tried nor knew exactly how ReCycle works... then I go to Steinberg's site for info and there's no ReCycle anymore. The question to you Steinberg users should have been inicially "Whay is ReCycle?", but guess I must ask "What was ReCycle?"...

Question to Alphajerk

I have a Question i see you use DP and have been wanting a control surface.I also have a DP setup on dual g4 and have a hui at the moment but am considering returning it because i find my self still with the mouse in my hand.I have dual monitors 19 inch so i can open my mix across one monitor and work pretty easy.My question is do you mix with a mouse also or are you using a board i would like

Monitoring MIDI tracks in DP

Hi chaps

First post and it has to be a dumb question...

I want to monitor my recorded MIDI tracks without having to arm an audio track and therefore end up recording unwanted audio when overdubbing a standard audio track.

I have a feeling i can do this with an AUX routing, but can anyone walk me through this? DP v2.72 w 2408MkII on G4 450

Signal path and gain

Am running VS-1880 and my path is Nuemann TLM 103 mic into MAckie board for preamps,w/ inserted FRM RNC compressor, out from Mackie into into Antares 1 AUtotune, and into ROland. SHould I be using minimum gain at the Mackie and more at ROland, or visa versa? thanks in advance. Waiting on the new 2480 to come out!AM looking forward to this board! :)