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Just joined, what a great website! Novice mixer looking for suggestions on mix.

Recorded with all musicians and instruments in the same room and live scratch vox track.

Looking for constructive criticism, any suggestions would be appreciated!



Tom Rastikis

Shopping for an analog console

I'm trying to take the leap and begin working on an analog console... Because it'll be my first console, It doesn't have to be a neve... But I still need the sonic quality to be premium... I can't afford a weak link in the chain at this point.

I've been looking at the Tascam M3700 because it's cheap, but I'm wondering about the sonic quality.

Need a Computer for startup Recording Studio

I have had a couple of posts on here about home recording, but as from January I am turning my rehearsal studio in a recording studio. Obviously we are not talking Abbey Road, I will be on a tight budget. I am looking to offer bands good quality recording for a low price. So I need to get a good setup. I already have most of the software so its mainly hardware to start with.

Internet Radio Stream

I live in Australia. I recently bought some hosting for a ShoutCast radio stream with a server in the UK. Naively, I thought that licensing would be a simple matter. When I looked in to it more closely, I realised that I have to get two different licenses for two different types in of copyright in order to discourage the copyright holders from suing me.