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Strange Tempo Changes Across Computers Phenomenon

Hey I figured I'd ask here because I'm new to sharing tracks over the net. I use Ableton Live and just got my friend/drummer Ableton Live so that we could share ideas and he could add drums on his end. I've been rendering down sets without drums (just my vocals, guitars, etc.) and send the Wave or MP3 to my friend.

Shure KSM27 Problems

I bought the Shure KSM27 with high hopes but I ended up hating it. So now Im selling it on eBay but I want to know if Im really doing the right thing.
On top of that, I think I downgraded my gear thinking I would get a better sound.
I used to have an ART TPS and now I have a Rane MS1. I used to have a CAD E100 and now I have the KSM27.
So I have three questions.


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