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Shure vs AKG

Hello everyone,

Im about to purchase 3 mic's, for mainly drums, but also guitar, and bass, and possibly vocals. i would just use the three to record the whole band just for fun. Im not sure if i should throw down the extra 150 for the Shure mics or stay on the budget side and get 3 decent mics.

Should i stay on the budget side and get AKG P S 3?

Lavry Latency Killer

Check this out.


Lavry Engineering
The Latency Killer (LK-1) is a specialty product; it does not fit into any standard category. It is for overdubbing work – latency free real time monitoring of DAW.

The basic concept is based on muting the playback of the recorded channel (on the DAW), and replacing it with the music signal before the AD conversion.