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LynxTWO B, ProjectMix I/O Control Surface and Pro Tools - How To Put It Together

hey guys, needs some help.

Recently built a computer that's pretty robust and i'm running a projectmix i/o control surface with Pro Tools 10. now, i'm pretty versed on its operation etc but the computer this one replaced used to be my old home theater pc, which had a lynxtwo b soundcard that still gets great reviews.

Recording a Marching Band

My school's marching band has no decent recordings of ourselves on the field and I've scoured the Interwebs for recording solutions with no luck. I want to get a recording of our halftime show for this year. What kind of equipment should I use for this job? How should I go about placing said equipment for optimal sound? I'll want to put all the mics on the home side of the field.

Does this sound like it's recorded in a home studio?

I've recorded/mixed my first album in my (ultra budget) home-studio. I am wondering what you guys think of the quality of the songs.

I am planning on upgrading my set to a proper home studio, but I would like to know what you guys think of the quality of the sound I can achieve right now.

Many thanks!

MOTU 24 I/O Interface conversion quality professional?

Hey everyone,

I'm in need a professional interface with professional grade conversion, was wondering if the MOTU 24 i/o would do the trick or do I need
to spend the extra money on a Avid HD interface or an Apogee Symphony, to get a truly professional conversion quality?
Ill be using it with outboard high-endpreamps.