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Cubase, win 7, Lexicon Alpha and Yikes! Only Sounds From the little laptop speakers

Hello and its good to be here!

The system runs well, and all so if I go direct through the laptop mic out, all is good, but I try and get sound though the Alpha via the headphone out to my main speakers, nothing, just plays though the little laptop speakers. All OTHER system sounds etc play just fine via the Alpha - GREAT! NOT!

LynxTWO B, ProjectMix I/O Control Surface and Pro Tools - How To Put It Together

hey guys, needs some help.

Recently built a computer that's pretty robust and i'm running a projectmix i/o control surface with Pro Tools 10. now, i'm pretty versed on its operation etc but the computer this one replaced used to be my old home theater pc, which had a lynxtwo b soundcard that still gets great reviews.