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New Member.. some questions..

Hi all, I am a new member here and although I have been reading some of the threads and picking up tips here and there I still am not getting my recordings together as I want them. Guitar sounds seem to be a hit or miss and when i comes to vocals I always seem to get glitches when the notes change during the words. When I put auto tune on it makes it even more noticeable.

just in a hotel with my guitar and i have songs

Ok my question is when i m using the trial version mix -pad by UCH software, and the computer is slow i have about 5 tracks down; drums and guitar it sounds like I'm in a sea shell,is it The sound card? the free version of the software? i know its futile but at the moment it keeps me busy any suggestions?

I don't get how preamps work with snakes

I'm mostly a recording guy, but I do the odd live sound gig. I've done a couple now with analog snakes that split the signals to both the FOH booth, and the monitor console. But I don't get how those work, in terms of preamps to microphones? Are there are two gain knobs controlling two preamps to one mic? How is that possible?

Pulling my hair out over high-pitched consistent noise...

Hi all!

I've spent hours upon hours trying to figure out this problem before breaking down and signing up so I could start my own "please help me" thread.. facepalm

I'll try to keep the back-story short and concise.. I'm just getting into recording, doing stuff on the cheap for now and I understand and accept that the sound won't be perfect..

Preamp help!

I have been using the Mbox 2 mini for a couple of years and I'm ready for a new preamp. question is how do i hook up a new preamp properly to Pro Tools without using the mbox pres. Ive been told to plugin to the LineIn/DI and keep the channel gain/volume down and it will bypass the mbox pres? others say that that isn't true, that whatever you plug into the mbox uses its pres.