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Noise only when playing electric guitar, while recording

I recently bought a Shure sm57 to record my electric guitar amp. Problem is, while I am recording AND playing (so there's sound coming from the amp) there's a bzzzz when I playback what I recorded. When I stop playing (still recording) there's no buzz.
Also, when I record my own voice, there's no buzz at all.

Equipment for Studio? £5000 budget

Hi there guys! I'm looking to start to build a studio in a large space that I am renting. The budget I have to start with is £5000. I've worked in a few studios both independently and alongside professionally producers. Iv'e got experience in using studio equipment but not a lot of knowledge as too what is good equipment and what is the best gear to buy for a budget £5000?

Linked Mixer from one output hardwired is this OK or not

I want to use a single stereo bus output to connect to multi track recorder and I want the stereo bus connected to all of the 8 channels in pairs so 4 stereo pairs

If I take the single bus O/P and daisy chain (or connect in parrallel) to the recorders 8 channels would this be OK or do you have to have a channel per input.