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Universal la-610 mk ll or Universal Audio 6176

Hi guys, So I'm looking into buying a new preamp to go with my RODE K2. I have a Summit 2BA-221 which is ok but not the sound I'm looking for. Anyways my friend swears buy the 6176 even over the Avalon 737. But wanted to know what any of you think about the 6176 or the la-610 and how they are comparable. Does the la-610 have an EQ?

outdoor interviews - levels/background noise


I am a photographer, and I hate it when people ask say ''teach me a couple of important factors about taking photos, because I'm about to go and photograph a wedding for my friend''. It always makes me raise my hands to the sky.
So on that note, I am about to do that here, so i apologise in advance.

Hearing Audio in Headphones While Recording

I am recording a podcast, and would like to hear everything that is being said through headphones in real time. Here's my setup.

MXL 990 condenser mics into the mic jacks of a Mackie VLZ series mixer. An instrument cable from the out port of the back of the mixer, into the instrument input of a PreSonus firebox. Firewire out of the firebox into the USB port of a macbook.

Finally burned a 5.1 AC3 tune, playable on a common DVD player. Here's how!

After much testing and online research, I finally found out how to not only make a 5.1 audio file, but also which of the many formats to use. Using SONY Vegas Pro 9.5 to mix 6 separate tracks to a 5.1 AC3 file. then using Audiomuxer to create a videoTS folder.

Trouble with Re-amping

Ok, so I've been battling a seemingly simple problem for ages. All I want to do is play bass into ableton, then send the processed signal out to an amp. Right now I have it set up so I run the bass into Ableton through the DI slot on my Mbox, then from a track in there, send that signal out one of the Mbox's output's. The output is run into a Radial X-Amp, then into my amp.

Total noob question regarding soundcard/interface

:redface: Ok, so this is probably a real stupid question, but in searching forums, and the net, I haven't found the definitive answer. Is an interface "the" sound-card, generating/translating audio to/from sources, plugins, midi instruments, etc., or do I still need to install an audio/sound-card (would definitely bypass on-board sound) in my PC? Also,...