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Looking to buy my first decent LDC

As the topic title says, I'm in the market for a new LDC. I'm looking to spend no more than $300. Right now my only LDC is a MXL 2001. I plan on using it primarily as a vocal mic, but it would be nice if I could get away with using it for horns (trumpet, sax, clarinet) as well. I've been looking at the following mics:

weird waveform

I recently mixed down a song that I have been working on and noticed that the waveform of the mix looks totally jacked. It basically looks like this... it looks like the waveform fell off or "melted" off of what would normally be the "center-line" of the wave. The mix sounds O.K. (not perfect or great or anything, but not audibly as jacked as the wave looks)... what's up? What did I do?

Holophonic Recording

I am very interested in holophonic recording and have a small insight into how it is done. What i am wondering is how it is mixed? I know that it has to do with frequency response but would love to know more about it. Could anyone shed some light on this or put me into the right direction of a good website that goes into great detail about it.
