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Preamp Observation: advantages to clean, advantages to color

I've used many preamps over the years that I've been recording and mixing, and while there are certainly still parts to the craft that I'm still learning - things I'm not sure of but pick-up on, as time passes and technology advances - and I have made a particular observation ... about preamps.

blackjack and sm58

I Need help from the experts here. I want to record spoken word with garage band. I have a blackjack and two mics. An Audio-Technica condenser mic, and a Shure sm58. The volume when I use the condenser mic is great. I use the phantom power with the Audio-Technica. The volume when I use the sm58 is very low. I am using the XLR input into the blackjack. Do I need a mic preamp amp for the sm58?

Too much highs from A Mid-Range

I have A pair of Towers that are sufficient in the Bass and Treble region, could use some improvement in the mid-range.I do not plan on dumping a lot of money into these since they are Welton A rather cheap brand.You know... the Rent A Center distribution model. These speakers are so bright with the horn tweeter and the mids that when I dis-connect the mid-range there's no difference.