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I just built 2 tube bass traps!

Hey, I'd seen this site on the net and decided I'd try and build 'em (see links below). It took my wife and I a day to build two 6'X14" traps. I can hardly believe how much of a difference it has made in the sound of my booth... it has just sucked out the mud. I pulled the trap out a couple of times just to check it out... man, what a difference. And the best part...

Studio my Pirelli or am I WAY OFF?

Ok, this is Waaaaay off...maybe. Instead of floating a whole floor on Auralex U-Boats, can I use something else rubber? Like...well, hockey pucks seem too hard and would transfer vibrations I assume. (This isn't for a whole floor, just maybe a platform for amps or. .whatever. Point is, this is theoretical as of now). How would old TIRES work?