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recording booth suggestions

Well i got a nother question.

What would i need to construct a simple recording booth?

something that would allow me to scream as loud as i want without the neighbors or people in the next room to hear significantly.

Like what materials? plywood? sheetrock?

What kind of foam and what brand? bass traps, acoustic tiles, etc.

Shall I buy a very expensive vocal booth?

I've looked into loads of them, and of course the salespeople say they're great. I have a massive room with high ceilings and a wooden floor that has reverb like a small hall. I can't see how I can make the room nice for recording vocals by sticking foam and bass traps everywhere, but then again I could make shift with hardwood and foam to form a home made vocal booth. I just don't know.

Yet another Im building a Studio topic

well Like the topic says I'm going to be building a studio for my band this summer, and i've been experimenting a lot right now with just recording myself playing guitar. but I'm on a tight budget, i have 2000$ and a Custom built computer that i know will be able to handle anything right now. but anyways I'm looking for good equipment that you guys recommend.