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Question on how to get specific vocal sound?


Hey guys,
I'm recording an acoustic piece, and the guitars sound excellent (really bright and dense), but I'm having a hard time getting the vocal sound I want for the piece.

I'm looking for something along the lines of the vocal tone exhibited in the songs Daughters (by John Mayer), or Hello Again (by Tommy Lee).

Advice Needed - Put Vocals 2 Music


Hi guys and gals,

I have a music track and want to record vox to it so that immediately after recording, when the Playback button is pressed, there's only a vocal track played. What I want to hear in that playback is vocal track already mixed with music. I have WaveLab installed, but not sure if it can provide us with such a thing.

Something I Can't See (original) Vocals... please help!


Alright, I know how to record and stuff like that... cept... I don't know how to make it sound good... and produced.

Heres what I used:

Adobe Audition 2
A sh*tty Casio Keyboard (for the drums and piano.. didnt even use midi)
A Mackie 406m powered mixer running into my Audigy 2 ZS soundcard
Audix Om2 mics