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Looking For Some Tips On Recording Vocals


I've just recently managed to ramp up my level of gearship. I won't be able to afford any new gear for a while so...while getting to know it all, I was hoping to get some tips from the more experienced(than myself) for improving my recordings. As for my experience level, I'm about as green as Peter Pan's little leaf bootie's are.

vocals not sitting


Hey everybody, I just wanted to try to dig up some info. I am having a really hard time getting vocals to sit in the mix with this band i'm recording. I've pulled out all the stops with the tricks I usually use, and nothing seems right. perhaps I recorded them with the wrong mics or I'm not eq'ing correctly, but i think they just seem to dry compared to the type of music.

vocal booth?


i have my own recording studio at home. most of the time i record without a vocal booth. besides the fact that it blocks unwanted noise what else does it bring. becuase i try to record some vocals over a instrumental and i never can get it to sound like it fit into the track.. whys that? mabye i need a vocal booth? how can a booth help?

Reverb for the vocalist in the booth.


Hey guys..whts up... aah i was wondering how would you put the reverb on the vocal track while recording the vocals... but it should not be recorded... cuz the artist in the booth on the mic. wants some reverb sometimes... but it should''nt be recorded... i m using...Cubase or Nuendo... you know wht i mean... any idea... i have pro tools too... its easy with that..