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Vocal Booth...need help on materials...


I took everything out of my closet to make a booth. I only want to use it for a vocal booth. Im not using no instruments, just putting in a stand with my Audio-Technica's 4047. It fits 2 people, but one fits perfectly to move around, swing arms, etc... The booth is about 7 to 8 feet tall, 4 feet in length, and 2 feet wide.

Rock Vocal - Compression


hey, i'm working with a band with a sound similar to that of story of the year or matchbook romance, and i'm reviewing those band's records to get some ideas and what not. listening to story of the year's "page avenue" i'm hearing a ton of compression on the vocals, but it adds kind of a cool effect in some parts. ive tried messing around with some ideas, but can't quite identify it.

Starting Recording Acoustic guitar and vocals


I have only recorded once before, with my uncle, who has a very nice home studio. I am vaguely familiar with the whole recording process, and I know some of the stuff involved (but not much).

For a school project, I want to analyze the recording process, mostly by recording.

My uncle suggested that I buy a Zoom MRS 8 and a microphone.