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Audigy 2 zs recording question

i just got a creative audigy 2 zs platinum with the deck and I'm trying to record in acid pro 5. I'm having problems with layering tracks. it seems everytime I record a second track the first layer is recorded into the second. (i can see the equalizer monitor move in acid while i record the second track) ive tried adjusting the "what you hear" volume but that doesnt seem to work.

Creative Audigy 2 ZS Platinum

Hi all,

I have a problem - I bought a PC for recording - it came with the above sound card, except Dell thinks it should not have - therefore, no installation CD! They will not send me one out as they could not authourize it, due to sending the PC out by mistake with a 'free' sound card.

Now I need to re-install and cannot - Creative have said I need to contact Dell - yeah!

Recording Bass Guitar on an Audigy 2 ZS Platinium

Hello everyone, I'm kinda new here and i have a doubt (i dont know if this is the right place for it, but ill give it a try)
I have a bass and an Audigy 2 ZS Platinium =), and i want to know if I can simply plug the bass directly in the front panel (LineIn2) and record or should i do something else to get better sound quality?

Audigy2 Platinum vs. . A2 Platinum Ex

I am about to buy a sound card and want to do some home based recording. I cannot afford anything other than the high-endrange from creative, as any other soundcard in my country (new Zealand) takes a huge leap in price, including the terratec DMX6. I have decided on the audigy2 but do not know whether to get the platinum standard or the platinum Ex. It seems the specs are the same.
