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I'm done mixing and need some advice on hiring a master engineer

I have Cubase SX3 and currently at the end of a 2 year music creation and mixing project of 9 compositional works using Symphonic Orchestra and Symphonic Choirs, and am ready for the mastering stage. I want a fresh set of ears listening to the work and have decided not to master it myself.

ADK Hamburg/ Baby Bottle/ MK319/ SM7 Advice please!

My 2 main vocal mics are an AT4033 and an SM58. Most of the time I wind up using the 4033 as I love the high-endsparkle it has without being at all harsh in any way on my voice. So I am happy with it. That being said, I think I'm beginning to develop the gear addict syndrome that some of you talk about, and I have around $300 that I'm thinking of investing into a new mic.

Advice on DAW software (WAV editing/mixing) to run on Win-7 x64 ?

I've been using with very great satisfaction Syntrillium CoolEdit 2000 for a long time, but now that for other reasons I changed my hardware platform and adopted Windows-7 x64, this software is not compatible any more.
Though I could run it with the "XP-Mode" virtualization, I'd prefer to direct myself to a newer software.


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