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Need Recommendation: Cheap Ribbon Mic Pre



I've got several cheap mic preamps for a number of cheap mics and I'm satisfied. However, I'm currently demoing a ShinyBox 46MXL which I -really- like, but for the fact that none of my mic preamps generate anywhere NEAR enough gain to make it practicable.

Any recommendations on a good match that won't break the bank?

Whats good brands cheaper in the UK market ? (vs. US)

I had a friend traveling to the US and now he is in Europe, unfortunately he missed and opportunity to go score some gear for me in the US, he would be hitting London soon. He can afford bout a 1000 USD for me. A Great River pre I was looking for in the US, or the AGK 414XLS (in India its all a lot more expensive than the American market, the very little we get).

Samplitude 11 Producer DLV is dirt cheap right now.

I don't know how kosher this is so I'm going to refrain from posting the link. Samplitude 11 Producer Download Version is currently going for $119CDn! Uh. Dirt cheap ladies and gentlemen! If you are interested go check out Magix site and do a search. A great deal for a great piece of software.