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Cheap Wireless

OK, I heard the screams from here. It's not that bad! Well maybe it is.

For our (the church I go to) pantomime/play (in 2 weeks :o !) we needed 2 wireless mics. Rather than hire a pair of say, wireless PG58s for £120 (total) I suggested that we buy a pair outright - and suggested a pair of Sennheiser Freeport FP35 (we need something handheld) at £240 total.

Need a Good Cheap Monitor Amp with EQ!

I rock a PV14 mixer (among other junk) with both stereo and/or mono outs. I currently monitor either through headphones, or occasionally through a pair of 2 little Kustom (i know, go f- yourself) passive monitors powered by a Crate power block amp (hell of deal)...this rig works, but is obviously not giving me a great sound.

Splitter on the cheap?

I want to start using a PreSonus StudioLive 16 channel desk to multitrack all my band's shows. We have our own soundguy now, but almost all the venues we play have house sound systems.

Optimally, we'll be able to just plug our SL into their mains and monitors, and mix right from it. But in situations where that is not practical, we'll need some sort of splitter.

Good mic + cheap recorder. Can it do it?


Hello, I have a basic question:

I have recently become interested in getting a portable digital recorder.

My main uses would be in speeches, conferences, and one-to-one interviews. All of this for personal use, and occasionally for web posting.
I would be tempted to record live shows too, for the same purposes as above.


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