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Cubase is a digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. The first version, which was originally only a MIDI sequencer and ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989

MIDI Craziness with Cubase SX 3...MSB,LSB?

I just added another sound module to my setup(Korg NS5R). It has 15 different banks. I can get Cubase to get into the first 3, in the inspector, but beyond that I can't. The Cubase manuals have nothing on MSB/LSB banks. Or at least I haven't seen it.

I've tried to setup a Midi Device in the "Midi Device Manager", but I can't get it to work.

Pro Tools LE or Cubase SX ?

Hello all,

I am torn as to which system to go with.
I like to record live audio with a lot of outboard gear and do Midi sequencing/ sampling/ programming as well.

I'd like to setup the best possible system on my budget and from asking around it comes down to Pro Tools LE 6.9 with the Digi 002 Rack, or Cubase SX 3 with the MOTU 828 Firewire.

Pro Tools or cubasew/ fw-1884

I need some advice for what to buy everyone says go with Pro Tools but Pro Tools le only has 32 tracks at 48khz and Cubase le has 48 tracks at 96khz and it dosent cost 10,000 dollars to upgrade it to a better program like Pro Tools does. And with Cubase i can get the fw-1884, have 8 mic preamps and a control surface for the same price as the digi 002 rack.

Tascam fw-1884 and Cubase or Pro Tools

I need some advice for what to buy everyone says go with Pro Tools but Pro Tools le only has 32 tracks at 48khz and Cubase le has 48 tracks at 96khz and it dosent cost 10,000 dollars to upgrade it to a better program like Pro Tools does. And with Cubase i can get the fw-1884, have 8 mic preamps and a control surface for the same price as the digi 002 rack.

Logic Express or upgrade to Cubase SL?

I have an iBook 1.2GHz with 756mb RAM. I'm getting an interface bundled with Cubase LE, which means I can get an upgrade to SL for about the price of Logic Express.

What I'm primarily after:

1) A user-friendly interface. Something intuitive that I can pretty much figure out without reading the manual thoroughly.

2) A drum sequencer that plays .waw samples.