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Cubase is a digital audio workstation developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. The first version, which was originally only a MIDI sequencer and ran on the Atari ST computer, was released in 1989


hey, i seriously dont understand this.. i record on my Cubase perfectly but when i press play to hear it i cant hear it at all.. right now the soundcard I'm using is my EMU 0404.. I'm using the RIGHT output on the back and its seriously buggin me cause i hear everything else out of it like music cause my computer is set on that as my primary soundcard..

need help setting up effects in Cubase SX

I'm trying to add a reverb plugin to the input channel of Cubase and have it set up so I can hear the effect while playing my guitar. if I hit record and play a riff the effect will print to disk but you can't hear it untill you play it back.

there has to be a way for me to route the input signal through a reverb plugin so that I can monitor it without having to record.

Sound card Cubase problem

I am not sure if anyone can help but i have been having a major problem running Cubase. When I open the application I can use it for about 2 minutes, but then my computer locks up. I am using sound blaster audigy platinum. I have read that this may not be the sound card to use for cubase. I am at my wits end. I tried everything I can think of. Can anyone help.

single track audio recording in Cubase se

hi, i was wondering if anybody could tell me how i can record live audio into Cubase se without picking up any of the audio on any of the other tracks or the metronome, I'm sure there must be some kind of setting i can change or something.

some help would be much appreciated cos I'm goin mad trying to work it out. thanX