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Firewire interface for guitar / effect to PA?

Hoping this is the right forum to post this. I play at church with up to 3 different guitars on a given night. My current setup is a 6 channel DI box which outputs to a 8 channel mixer. The mixer has an FX loop for effects then out to church board then to PA. Since one of my guitars is running a Roland GR-33 synth that too is another signal.

Adding subliminal audio messages or effects into music


Stairway To Heaven is the most famous song I know where "here's to my sweet satan"... " was added in reverse to the song. At the least, this has increased sales because people buy the record just to hear what all the weebee jeebee buzz is about.

Adding low end bass also has an effect. Increasing certain frequencies can stimulate us in different ways.

Stomp pedals vs Multi-effects processors?


Here's my situation: I was looking around at delay/reverb pedals and found them to be in the price range of $100-150 each, which is fairly reasonable for a brand like Boss. However, I might be able to get a good deal through a friend for a Boss GT-6 multi-effects processor (used, for roughly $150-200 in good condition).

What should I do?

Achieving surround effect in Stereo Field

Hey guys well i was wondering about creating surround effect in stereo field i heard some recording a while ago i don't know the artist or album i was hearing them in a stereo field and i really felt few things coming from the back or side it really felt like surround i believe there is something to do with playing with phasing but can anyone would like to explain me whts this kinna pha

eerie effect for voice?

Im looking for a effect i heard on the Clint Eastwood track by gorillaz...while the first rapper is doing his thing, his voice has an effect to it. It sound like a delay, but the voice seems to be coming from far, lagging, and reverbed,. its really hard to describe. its like on those horror films when spirits call out someones name.

SX3 effects... ready to rock, or just getting started?

Happy festive holliday season everyone!

So I'm making the step to Cubase SX3, and I couldn't be happier. I just need to know, how do the included effects etc.. stack up? I noticed that the EQ is integrated in the channel.. convenient, but I also read that the quality leaves a bit to be desired, and doesn't match the standards that Nuendo sets forth.


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