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Equalization in sound recording and reproduction is the process of adjusting the volume of different frequency bands within an audio signal.

Habitual EQ Knob Twister Needs Advice...

Since moving to mixing in my DAW flavor of the day (currently DP but my soon to accomplish os X port might change my choice) I find myself missing the old days of closing my eyes and EQ'ing with my ears not my eyes. Paragraphic EQ's can be a wonderful ancellary visual tool but a dangerous distraction as well.

Outboard EQ for monitors?

I got these Nady model 250 50/50w biamped near field monitors from my home recording studio. They sound very muddy to me. If I EQ down the base up to 160hz and raise up the treble, they sound better. Problem is, I drive a 2nd pair of JBL speakers off the same audio output (Sound card on PC) and the JBLs sound great to my ears(full size passive JBLs with Yamaha 100W amp.)

EQ and mastering question


ok ive just finished mixing a song into the final master mix. my question is what all do you normally do to a master mix?
I'm using cool edit pro. normally what i do is do a final light noise reduction to eliminate any hiss, then i hard limit, then normalize it. i think my stuff sounds ok...its nice, clean,and loud and all, but I'm still wondering about some things...

Some "General" EQ rules. Pretty usefull stuff!

I found this info doing some research on the net. I want to share it with all you guys. Since all I do is post questions, here is some info sharing. Let me know if they are any good, they have helped me alot! ENJOY!

Kick Drum

Any apparent muddiness can be rolled off around 300Hz. Try a small boost around 5-7kHz to add some high-end .

Compressors/EQ Before or after it's been recorded ?

Hi Guys, ok here's the deal. I already ordered some high quality mic preamps and external analog compressors. I wanted to know if you pros out there add the analog compressors and eq while recording straight into your DAW ? or Do you record the siganl clean then add the compressors later ?


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