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Equalization in sound recording and reproduction is the process of adjusting the volume of different frequency bands within an audio signal.

mastering, which is first, eq or compression?

i know there is probably no right or wrong answer. but when mastering a stereo track through hardware which is better from those of have the experience, eq then compress, or compress than eq?

i am experimenting on mastering to a 1/2" tape machine, and wanted to know my best hardware or software routing for a final dump down.


Trying to find a 10-16 channel mixer with a good Eq section

I am currently trying to find a good 10-12 channel console with a good EQ section. I currently have a Peavey VMP-2 preamp, an otari 1/2" 8 track reel to reel, Shure Sm7, Sm 57(3), AT 4033, and EV686. I am looking to do some demos as well as little projects with friends.

Outboard EQ more functional than UAD/Waves?

Hey guys narrowing down the list here trying to decide if I should get 2 Pres or 1 Pre with EQ. I have UAD Studio Pak and Waves Ren. I've never messed with outboard EQ much, just record flat into the DAW (Nuendo 2). I was wondering if the eq section of a Vintech X73i would yield results that can't be achieved with my sofware.

AMEK 9098 Eq vs Focusrite ISA 220 vs Langevin DVC

Hi guys,

I am using Soundcraft Ghost as my main preamp for recording of acoustic instruments. I want to improve my the sound quality. I need a very high-endpreamp for most of my acoustic work. For this I short list AMEK 9098 Eq, Focusrite ISA 220, Langevin DVC. Please suggest me the best one for the highest quality.

thanks and regard
