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Equalization in sound recording and reproduction is the process of adjusting the volume of different frequency bands within an audio signal.

EQ Plugins cause Phase Shifting?

Hey All, I just started to wonder about this as I was reading a thread on the Sonar user's forum. Hardware EQ does cause phase shifting because of the reactive components (capacitors and inductors) in the circuitry. What about software versions? I'm curious to know how the algorithms effect frequency in the virtual world. Is it by manipulating the time line aka phase?

how to eq & compress speech

Hi @ all,

maybe thats discussed in this forum before and please excuse any bad english.

I want to know how to make the (I call it) typical compression sounding on synchonisation (speech) of films or speech in radio stations ?

It sounds mid, very close and with no headroom left but without any breath or noise background (mostly).

Any comments ?

Sony Oxford EQ - TC Powercore on DP4

i downloaded the Sony oxford eq for demo purposes and i was wondering if anyone had sometips/best practices for using it...

or perhaps even a few settings to share as a starting point.

i was hoping to use it on mainly on vocal tracks.

i am using it on Digital performer 4.12 with powercore firewire 1.8 on a G4 with Panther.



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