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FireWire is a high-speed real-time interface for the Serial bus used for data transfer between enabled devices. It offers sustained high speeds of over 3,200 Megabits per second, making it a preferred choice for digital audio/video camcorders, PCs, and home entertainment units.

Digidesign 002 vs MOTU828/Events Layla..Pro Tools vs Nuendo?

Gday Guys, I'm from Australia, and work in a studio using a TDM Pro Tools setup, but I want to build a studio for home/on location work, and i was wondering, i have a pc and mixer, plus Nuendo, but what would be the better setup; hardware/software wise? Digi002 with LE software, or MOTU 828mk2 with Nuendo, or an Events Layla with Nuendo?


Has anyone used The MOTU 828MkII? I'm wondering about its monitoring capabilities. I've got the original 828 and I can only monitor 2 channels at a time; I have to pick a pair. That's without latency (their 'CueMix' thing). If I turn software monitoring on in Logic, I believe I can monitor any and all inputs coming in, but then there's that dreaded latency.

MOTU 828 Rec with Powerbook causes Digital HangUp

Hi there,
I'm recording with a 550 G4 Powerbook, external FW-HD and two (sometimes even three) MOTU 828 on a FW Hub. I'm recording 16 to 24 Tracks of a Live-Concert.
I'm doing this for almost 2 Years and figured out some Problems which are mainly caused in a slow HD (must be 7200rpm) or FireWire wiring.
But lately I had some Problems I'm asking for help.

Anyone experienced the MOTU 828mkII ?

Has anyone tried The 828mkII from MOTU? I'm wondering about the monitoring capabilities with it. I've got the original 828 and I can only monitor 2 channels at a time without latency; in other words, I have to pick a pair for 'CueMix' monitoring). If I turn software monitoring on in Logic, I believe I can monitor any and all inputs coming in, but then there's that dreaded latency.