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Best way to record electric guitar?

Hi All, I want to record my electric guitar onto computer and I was wondering what the best way to do it is. What are peoples thoughts on devices like the M Audio Black Box or Boss Micro BR? I would also like to add realistic drum tracks to my music, is the best way to do this via keyboard? I am told I can tap out the rhythms this way rather than do it mechanically using the mouse.

Distillers-City of Angels Guitar sound

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this type of guitar sound.
Kind of bright rock guitar with a punky feel.
The bass seems to be very prominent which probably makes most of the low end, leaving the guitar to work higher up.
Any help appreciated, I'm sure it will be easy for the more experienced rock guitar recorders to hear what it's all about.

Wireless Guitar Units

Just curious, what units do you use/recommend? And do guys know if there is anything else like the guitarbug, but higher quality? (I Have a feeling i am going to end up having to use a clip on belt transmitter or something, but still would prefer something that just goes right where the guitar input jack is)

Thanks! I wanna move on to wireless =D

Guitar Setup

I'm looking for a great full - professional - clean - amazing - distorted - guitar sound.

If I had the money I would

grab a collection of vintage and new tube amps and cabinets and send the guitar to several of them with true tube distortion and mix it to perfection...

but I dont have that money...

roland guitar synth?

can anyone give me some input on this?
how realistic is it? i would like to hear a recording of the synth being used. i am thinking, you could make the midi sound less fake by Micing the speakers.

people get angry with me when i say midi sounds fake (i dont know why... I'm assuming its my ignorance,) so i dont mean to offend anybody 8)