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Mixing, Mastering

Those of you that do your recordings on your DAW, do you just mix on on it and then send it to someone to master? Or how do you produce a CD quality sound?

I have a few recordings, but they don't have a consistent volume level for playing back on different electronics. Also the levels are not high enough when doing playback in something like Winamp.

Any help?

Making "24 Bit Remasters" out of cassettes

After reading up on 24-bit recording, I became compelled to re-record my old 4-track cassettes from when I first started with recording, and a few albums I bought on cassette into digital. I recorded them before onto my desktop computer's built in Avance97 audio card, in 16/44.1, but I could tell a noticeable difference between the .wav file and the source tape.

need a good mastering house


I just opened up a studio about 4 months ago, and now have the studio dialed in enough to where i have paying clients. I am looking for a good mastering house that i can work with to recommend. I am shooting for at least 3 to 4 bands a month and will probably be expanding as time goes on. I want to have a house that i can work with, to gurantee my clients.

Is this a mixing or a mastering issue?

Due to the everlasting budget-problem, I have to master most of my work myself.
When mastering, I first listen to the mix on various systems, and make notes on the sound.
Allmost everytime I find the mix lacking highs from about 4k. This is confermed by the Waves PAZ analyzer, showing a gentle rolloff in the high frequenties.

mastering levels for video


I'm curious to know what level most people master videos at? When mastering (which I don't claI'm to be very good at) I never know what meters to choose. I have the Waves Platinum bundle and I'm always wondering what I should be looking at. RMS, Peak, Fast, Slow, Moderate, A, B, C -weighted? I know everyone says "just use your ears" but I'd love to know what everyone else does. Thanks!

Printing mixes to analog for mastering. . benefits?


Hey guys, Im hoping some ME's can tell me what the sound benefits of printing DAW mixes to 1/2 inch are, and what kind of situation call for this process. I'll be finshing up a metal record pretty soon, and I want to know if this process is worth spending the extra $$'s on.

Thanx a lot!